Fall in love with your space... again

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Have you fallen out of love with any rooms in your home?  It’s actually not too difficult to fall back in love with a space. Just like it’s important to know yourself before having a successful relationship, it’s key to have a sense of your own personal style. We like the way the Houzz article, “8 Ways to Zero In on Your Decorating Style,” explains why and how to do this.

Also important are the functional and aesthetic relationships of the furnishings to each other and their surroundings. Start right where you are by looking at the space planning, storage and traffic flow. Are you not loving the arrangement? Is it difficult to move through your space or around pieces easily? Go ahead, move furniture around!

Next, evaluate your use of color, lighting, shapes and surfaces.You will enjoy your connection to your space more by choosing colors you love, and just a few for harmony. Add visual interest by contrasting dark and light, shiny and matte, curved and straight, organic and high-tech. And, if lighting feels out of balance, consider changing sources of light or adding lamps in different locations.

Finally, accessories help to make a space welcoming and personal. Maybe you don’t love everything in your room so minimize and keep only those objects representing a special connection, memory, or simply those you cherish. Have fun with their placement and grouping.

There is always great potential for your home to become a little more functional. A  little more beautiful. A little more you!

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