A Message from the Owners


Dear Customers,

EWF Modern will be temporarily closed to the public starting 3/16/2020 to encourage social distancing in our community. The safety and health of our team and our community is paramount to us and we will continue to update you during this complex and evolving period if our plans change.

Our team will still be working to take new orders, facilitate orders, and arrange and receive 3rd party deliveries from our warehouse. We are available to answer all phone calls and emails. We will continue to be available for in-store design consultations and furniture pick-ups in the showroom.

If you want to visit us in the showroom, please call or email us for an appointment and we will get back to you.

Be healthy, look out for one another, and we will all get through this together.


Renee and Erez

(503) 295-7336